Saturday, July 31, 2010

life is meaningless. do you agree????

I once learnt a poem at school, entitled "Life's brief candle".
The persona symbolise candle as life, rather brief and short...
The poem taught us that life is meaningless. All we do is waiting for the arrival of the next day.
Time passes slowly, creeping in this petty pace.

How is your life? Great? Miserable?
Life is definitely not miserable to everyone. We were brought to this earth for some special reasons.
Its not just about the combination of the sperm and ovum from your parents. If you give up life easily, then remember, its your fault. Don't ever you blame "life". Life is fair enough to everyone.  A great, wonderful and perfect life don't just drop from the sky. You need to work hard for it. If you are too lazy to even stretch out for your aims, then, don't ever you blame "life" for making you an underdog because you don't deserve to do so.

Every glory you've seen from others, they actually worked hard to achieve their goals and aims. They knew exactly what they want and they worked to reach for it. Those are the people who success in their life. 

"No pain no gain."

this is the rule. the rule is set, and we follow. this is the road to success.